J Tech Photonics Inc.

Laser Manufacturer

J Tech Photonics offers laser upgrade products to combine the benefits of routing and laser cutting/engraving on existing CNC machines that are easy to install, use, and maintain. By upgrading an existing CNC machine, J Tech lasers can offer new options for creativity in woodworkers projects by adding laser engraved details or using the laser to cut intricate parts not easy to do with a router bit. Since the laser is on an existing CNC machine, users can first carve a project and then add laser engraving without moving the part to a separate machine, saving time, money, and space in the workshop. With over 20,000 customers all over the world and partnerships with top companies and organizations in the business, J Tech Photonics continues to lead this exciting new field of laser technology. At TWF we will be showcasing our laser products on our stand alone laser machine as well as on the Onefinity CNC machine, running projects so people can see what is possible to create with a laser.