Brooke Davis

“I have been drawing and making since I was a child. In my early years at art school, I pursued photography where I really began to explore shooting figures and flowers to understand how light and shadow can evoke emotion in the form when void of looking at a face. At the time Joyce Tennyson and Robert Mapplethorpe were very influential in my explorations. To me there is a very organic and sensual overlap in form between figures and flowers and they explored this masterfully. Later, as I discovered my love for making and furniture design, I was awestruck by the art nouveau movement and the gorgeous organic forms that emerged from it as built objects. Objects that brought beauty from the natural world to a constructed one. So naturally, the early influences of figures, flowers and the art nouveau movement can be seen in my furniture designs as they have matured in form and craftsmanship over the years.

It was in grad school that I discovered the CNC machine and became fascinated with the idea of the machine as an extension of the hand. What else can I do with it? A question that has lead me to a lifetime pursuit of challenging myself with innovative ways to integrate industrial fabrications techniques in the the working process. A process by which design methods are applied but the output can best be described as art”