Make sure you have read the entire presenter information page before filling out the form.  Please be descriptive and give us all information you feel we might need.

Educational Session Information Upload

If Applicable
A descriptive but interesting name for your session. Try your best but we can help with this.
What are you teaching?
Please include at least 15 minutes for questions
Demonstrations are considered to be anything where an action is taking place live. Example: Cutting dovetails or applying finish. Presentations are similar to lectures and generally do not involve actions or tools. They would cover more theoretical topics such as business, design, social media, etc. Panels included multiple people generally in an interview or AMA style session.
Please refer to the presenter information page for more detail.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Please tell us what tools you will be using and what tools we may need to provide
Please tell us what materials you will provide and what materials we should provide and have ready
Please tell us if there is a possible safety concern for yourself or the audience